Hi there,
I have two OpeDec02 V2.0 DCC decoders. Both of them are behaving strangely.
They are build in a Marklin 3-rail loco in which i use the electromagnet as a permanent electro magnet (yes this works).
My programming track consists of 3 Marklin M-rails which are soldered together.
As a commandstation i use the DCC-EX-CSB1.
I have tried both Engine Driver and JMRI (no luck with this).
Engine driver (via the wifi of the EX-CSB1)
When i put the loco on the programming track the green led comes on and the loco starts revving up the engine (forward).
When this stops i change the loc address from 3 to 23. I am then able to read CV's and run the engine in forward. When setting it to Reverse the engine immediately revs to full speed no matter what throttle setting i choose.
I change a lot of CV's to get this fixed, none of them worked. Also setting CV56 to 80 causes the instant speed issue to occur for forward as well (and reverse)....
I finally decided to reset the decoder by setting CV8 to the value of 8.
From that moment on i am no longer able to get the loco stable: i keeps on revving and slowing down. It does seem to receive commands (heard by buzzing in the motor) but immediately it starts of again withe the cycle of revving and slowing down. The throttle inputs don't do anything anymore.
Until i put Engine driver on PoM, then i can use throttle again (at the address 23 that was apparantly accepted ). As i cannot read CVs on the Main, i put it back on Programming and the cycles start again.
So i decided to give JMRI i try. For this i use the USB cable connected to the EX-CSB1. In the communication choices i choose DCC++ as command station.
When i try to connect to the loco decoder i have JMRI poll the decoder and from the buzzing of the motor i can conclude that they are communicating.
However JMRI does not connect fully as an error pops up:
stopping due to error: no acknowledge from locomotive (308)
After which the cycle of revving and slowing down begins.
I have searched the internet and found some suggestions that doe not completely cover this issue but i tried them anyway: none of them seem to work.
Measuring the DCC track voltage i get to 10volts DC and 19volts AC (give or take). All within limits.
As the decoders have responded normally before the reset, its not likely this is a hardware issue.
So what can i try/do to make them both work flawlessly?