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RP2350+Wifi6+BLE: Updating ESP32C6 firmware

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:32 pm
by cp_addict
Currently, the firmware is version 3.4 for the AT-stack. The recommended version is 4.0.0.

Can the firmware be updated with the RP2040USB2Serial? If so, would it be possible that you create a binary release (UF2)?

Thanks, Bernhard

Re: RP2350+Wifi6+BLE: Updating ESP32C6 firmware

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 4:04 pm
by Pontus

Yes, it is very easy to update the firmware using the RP2040USB2Serial program. There's even an article on how to do it here: ... 6-devices/

Make sure you use our fork of esptool to upload the code, otherwise it can be finicky to get it to upload.

Version 3.4 is what we have been using internally to test the system with and we know it works with the WiFiEspAT stack that we recommend for us with the esp-at stack. Eventually we will upgrade to 4.x but not without some testing. You should be able to build it your self though, it is pretty self explanatory and with the schematic you can work out how to configure the pins as well.

If you need assistance in the process we're more than happy to help out.


Re: RP2350+Wifi6+BLE: Updating ESP32C6 firmware

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:57 pm
by cp_addict

I am currently fine with the 3.4 version, but eventually I want to upgrade. My problem with the RP2040USBtoSerial program is, that I don't have a working Arduino development environment set up. That can be solved however, but has no priority as long as 3.4 is working as expected.


Re: RP2350+Wifi6+BLE: Updating ESP32C6 firmware

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 6:07 pm
by Pontus
No worries, when you are ready you can just upload the uf2 file which acts as the usb 2 serial adapter. I'll make sure it is available on the product page.