OK, lets continue finding out what is going wrong here.
The AT+CEREG=2 simple starts a subscription to unsolicited messages from the modem so you don't have to poll the device for status changes. So the OK response there is OK.
The problem here is that the AT+COPS=? fails, so lets do a couple of things to begin with.
Sometimes when you fiddle around with the modem to much it ends up in a strange state so lets try and reset that.
We will do this by changing the MNO profile to something other than the current one and then change it back to what you have set before.
Start by checking the current MNO profile:
As you can see in my case the current MNO profile is 100 as I am in Europe. I will now change it to 0 temporarily and then back to 100 to get it to reset all internal settings.
Code: Select all
-> AT+CFUN=0 (De register the module from the network)
-> OK
-> OK
-> AT+CFUN=15 (This resets the module so it will take a few seconds for it to restart)
-> OK
-> AT (Here I'm just checking that the module has restarted)
-> OK
Now I want to revert back to my original MNO profile again
Code: Select all
-> AT+CFUN=0
-> OK
-> OK
-> AT+CFUN=15 (Again this resets the module so it will take a few seconds for it to restart)
-> OK
-> AT (Started again)
-> OK
And now you should be able to run AT+COPS=? to find the networks in your area. All of these steps are explained in more detail in the SARA-R4 series - AT commands manual.
Code: Select all
-> AT+COPS=?
-> +COPS: (1,"Telenor SE","TelenorS","24008",7),(2,"Tele2","Tele2 SE","24007",7),(1,"TELIA S","TELIA","24001",0),(1,"Sweden Mobile","MobileS","24024",0),(1,"TELIA S","TELIA","24001",9),,(0,1,2,3,4),(0,1,2)
-> OK
Also important to notice you need to select the appropriate MNO profile for the area that you are located in. The SARA-R4 series - AT commands manual have a list with all the different profiles available in the different modems. You can also run the command AT+UMNOPROF=? to get a list of the available profiles. But should really be able to use MNO profile 1 since you are using a 1nce SIM card.
In some cases the modem might not auto connect and it might be necessary to connect directly using the AT+COPS command. In that case something like this can be used:
Another thing you should also check is to see if you can reach the SIM card. You can do this by running the command AT+ICCID, this should give you and output like this:
Code: Select all
-> ICCID: 8988XXXXXXXXXX609492 (I've masked out some of the digits here for security purposes)
-> OK
Let me know how that works out for you.